Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Dress for success?

I happened to overhear a conversation yesterday where a woman went to an employment agency for a job. The job in question was actually at a hospital but they had apparently hired this agency to do the screening for them.

At one point during the pre-interview the woman at the employment agency said something to the effect of “I can’t send you to the interview because of the way you’re dressed”. This has left the interviewee more than a little distressed. Her rebuttal was something like “I’ve gotten jobs before wearing this same suit”.

So, I listened while everyone around her was indignant on her behalf and gave advice like writing to her manager etc.

The question is – was the interviewer correct and saying this? Does the way one is dressed have more importance/value than ones’ qualifications? Is it possible that employment agency did a disservice to their client? Does it all depend on the field the person is seeking employment? As someone who works in the computer field – I could actually care less how people are dressed when they come for an interview. First and foremost is their resume and qualifications. But, I do look for a few other characteristics such as:

  1. Timeliness
  2. Look me in the eye when we’re talking.
  3. Be clean. I don’t care what you’re wearing but showering daily is a must.


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