Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Dianetics / Scientology - just please please please go away

For years I used to live right around the corner from their main branch in Toronto. Often I would greet the person that was standing outside trying to get new members – but, would continue on my merry way.

A couple of months ago I was at a psychic fair and quite by accident I landed at the Dianetics booth. Call it a weak moment or call it my tired legs – but, I actually sat down for a few moments. They were promoting their “Dianetics – the modern science of mental health” book by L. Ron Hubbard – and spur of the moment I thought, why not buy it and see what this is all about. What happened next still boggles my mind. They asked for my name and address (I can’t recall why they wanted this). Normally I’m on high alert when anyone asks for this. I generally say ‘thanks, but, no thanks”. However – I refer you back to how it was a weak moment for me (or, perhaps in that short time they brainwashed me). Anyhow, I gave them my name and address. I immediately forgot about this entire thing afterwards and have yet to read the book. I assume one day I’ll be inclined to, but, I haven’t thus far.

Well, giving my name and address has come back to haunt me. Every week it seems I’m receiving their literature and sales promotions in the mail. Todays ‘must buy’ is their Self Improvement Package which includes YES, the same book I purchased at the psychic fair. I guess they are thinking I haven’t learned enough from just one copy of the book. The package also includes some CD’s and a home study course.

I tend to think if one has a product that they believe in and feel can help others – others will find it. I find this especially true when it comes to one’s beliefs. Setting up shop in something like a psychic fair is a good idea to get your message out. If people are interested they can drop by and learn more about it. Relentlessly sending them stuff in the mail afterwards is just plain annoying. For the love of God – save some trees and stop sending me this stuff!!


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