Friday, January 13, 2006

Gyms and resolutions

As expected these past two weeks have been rather busy at my gym.... all those people that made a New Years resolution to get fit are out in full force. The classes are larger - the change room is a disaster area and far too crowded. I figure within two weeks things should be back to normal. However, i almost cancelled my membership today. I take yoga 3 days a week. Because it's a popular class you have to sign up for it. Sign up starts at 10am percisely. I went on-line but got distracted and didn't get signing up till 10:15. Class was full so i clicked the 'wait list' me option. They allow 4 stragglers into the class. I show up for class just to find the 'waitlist' online doesn't count as a straggler and 4 people had beat me there? Sheesh - I can't stand people who go to the gym in January! I could have stayed and worked out - but, i chose not to. Was looking forward to my yoga but i was robbed of it by those RESOLUTIONERS!


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