Wednesday, January 04, 2006

What a boost to the ego

I’m wandering around the underground shopping area here in the financial district of Toronto. I walk by this gentleman and for some reason he did catch my eye. Probably because there were so few people there at the time. Anyhow I continue walking. About half a minute later or so I hear this ‘excuse me, excuse me miss’. So I stopped and turned around and it’s said gentleman. He says “I’ve seen you around here, since I work in the area – would you care to have dinner sometime, or drinks? I could give you my business card”. Now, this is a nice looking man, well dressed, well quaffed – probably an ideal date. Unfortunately, I had to say “sorry I can’t”. I think if I wasn’t so flabbergasted I would have phrased it a little more kindly than that and at least thanked him for the invite, but I was shocked. I have to give him credit for having the kahoonahs to approach a complete stranger and ask them out. My paranoid self is saying “what a nutcase for stopping a complete stranger and asking her out”.
Now, to get to the moral of the story. Just prior to this encounter I was thinking to self ‘self, you’re not having a very good hair day. Perhaps it’s time for a cut, or different colour… different style’. Heh, not now!


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