Thursday, March 02, 2006

The Art of De-cluttering

With spring right around the corner I once again need to start the de-cluttering process. I have attempted this the last two years, but, the most I seem to get rid of is one garbage bag full. Through out the year I probably accumulate at least 10 additional garbage bags. This year I am in a crunch though. My partner is moving back in with me therefore I have to make room. I have clothes I haven't worn in over a year - but, I'm reluctant to get rid of them. What if I need them at some point? I have so many shoes - but, they're in great condition so don't want to get rid of them either.

So, I have absolutely no closet space to share and very little drawer space. Realistically I know I don't need all this stuff but it's so hard getting rid of it. Is there such a thing as a de-clutter life coach? If not, there should be. I need someone to come in here while I'm out and clean by place out. I have cupboards in my kitchen that I never even open - they are full of stuff I never use.

Well, I'm committed to doing something about it this time! Unfortunately, I can't bring myself to just throw things out. Clothes are easy - I can donate them to Goodwill or the Salvation Army. It's the other things. I probably have 30 puzzles. I don't want to just throw these out - most are in great condition. I searched on-line today on where I could donate these. Didn't find a spot. Perhaps, I'll try the local pawn shops to see if they'll take them. I don't care if I'm compensated or not - I just want to give them away.

Uggg, I am not looking forward to this undertaking.


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