Friday, February 10, 2006

Where are the women designers?

The gym I belong to (the Adelaide Club) has finished up some renovations. I like the idea of renovations when it's needed - but, typically it's a good time to make things better. In some respects they have, the yoga room for example has been expanded and they added windows and mirrors to make it much more pleasing. This was a good change. The bad change is the ladies change room. It was always crowded in there but we had a locker area, then a long counter area where one could apply their makeup, dry their hair, curl their hair - or whatever one wished to do. For some reason the new and improved area has new lockers, however the counter area is mixed in with these lockers.

The last two days I've gone to the area on the right hand side of the room. There are probably about 20 lockers or more in this little alcove and one counter area about 4 feet wide. The counter space is right up next to the lockers. So, if someone is standing at the counter (which of course is the norm), then one can't use the lockers next to it. Today was a nightmare trying to get changed and refreshed and get back to work. We were all bumping into one another and basically having to take turns to access locker and use counter. As I was thinking to myself how awful the new arrangement is, I overheard someone say "this must have been designed by a man". BINGO. Exactly! That makes sense. Men, when they are finished their workout will shower, change, put on some deodorant - and if they use the counter space it's just to quickly comb their hair, flex their muscles, then they are out of there. I bet they spend a minute or less at the counter. A woman will probably spend 10-15 minutes at the counter area. What a poor poor design!

Our old locker room is now empty, so I'm hoping they are planning on using that space to give us more counter 'refreshing' area. If not, it's time to look for a new gym.


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