Thursday, December 29, 2005

Psychics vs Skeptics

Last night on Larry King Live it was the Psychics vs. the Skeptics.

Three rather famous psychic/mediums/intuitives - Sylvia Browne, James Van Praagh, and Char Margolis - up against two formidable skeptics – Rabbi & author Shmuley Boteach, and Dr. Bryan Farha.

The skeptics came out of the gate running and the psychics were playing defense the entire hour. The skeptics came prepared and it didn't appear the psychics did. I'm not sure if that is because they've each reached a certain level of notoriety now so thought they could wing it.

The psychics really have nothing quotable to present, so I’ll quote a few things from the skeptics.

From Rabbi Boteach:

You know, Larry, every single psychic medium who I have conversed with always offers the information along the lines of your grandfather forgives you for accidentally mowing him down with your Hummer. Well, that's nice but it's always the same.

I have yet to find a single psychic medium who can offer any information of any public utility or real personal usefulness. For example, where's Osama bin Laden? Why can't anyone on our panel tell us where Osama bin Laden is? I mean this guy killed 3,000 Americans. If they have the power to see and speak to the dead who are all knowing and omniscient, then it's almost criminal for them to withhold that information.

When is the next roadside bomb going to go off in Iraq and kill our soldiers? Tell us now because these are fathers and husbands and we don't want them to die. James, can you please tell us, share some of that information on this show right now where is Osama bin

I think the above is the most common feeling among skeptics. Because they don't provide information to allow us to divert a major catastrophe, they are charlatans.

From Rabbi Boteach:

But let me just tell you, Larry, that I mean I'm pretty insignificant. A year ago this week, Larry, 300,000 people were killed in a tsunami. Dr. James Van Praagh says to us that he feels energies. Do you realize how much energy it took to move trillions of gallons of water but not a single psychic felt that?

Hurricane Katrina, we didn't know if it was going to hit New Orleans, it was going to turn left or right or Hurricane Wilma. Do you know how much energy that is and not a single
psychic felt it?
Why is it that only the smallest blips on the screen, the mother who died with a bit of a -- she was upset at you because you didn't visit her on her deathbed they can channel that but not something of real public usefulness.

Once again – Dr. Boteach finds that a psychic/medium must warn of a catastrophe or it doesn’t count.

A Dr. Farha comment:

The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and the FBI both state that a psychic has never helped them solve one case or find one missing child. You know, conjecture. They make dozens and dozens of psychic detective readings, if you will, and some of them hit, but that doesn't mean it's because of psychic ability.

It could be because
they're doing extra detective work. Detectives solve crimes, too.

Because they're doing extra detective work? Surely he doesn't really believe this. That was a huge stretch to try to explain away some 'hits'.

The skeptics believe psychics are preying on the vulnerable. Taking advantage of them during emotional times. After all, if they are truly psychic why aren’t they warning about tsunami’s, earthquakes, hurricanes, terrorist acts. Why not give us useful information as opposed to saying "grandmother likes the new furniture’.

When a medium gets a spirit they will give validating information to the client - things that only that person would know. It could be an incident that happened many years ago... it could be something in their current life. It could be as Dr. Boteach said above "grandmother likes the new furniture" - and it turns out the client purchased new furniture just last week. This validates for the client that the medium is really communicating with their loved one that has passed. The skeptics argument is - this is useless information!

To me it is the most important information we could have. A medium basically proves that our spirit does indeed exist even after we leave our physical bodies. What could be more important and uplifting than that?

As to why they don't give information to divert catastrophes - that is not the purpose. I don't believe anyone can live our lives for us. I don't believe psychics/mediums will get information 'from the other side (or wherever)' and give us advice to make our decisions for us. It's called free will and we have to make our own choices whether they cause us pain or not. How we deal with these situations whether they are good or bad is what we're here for. Some say we're here to learn lessons - if that is the case there are no shortcuts. So, if skeptics choose not to believe because they want something BIG, i don't think they'll ever get it. And, i think this statement from Dr. Boteach is very revealing:

No, the only blessing, Char, the only blessing is the truth. It's not enough to comfort her. She has to know the truth. The only thing that brings real closure is the truth.

That was in reference to Char Magolis offering to help a caller who phoned in about her missing father. Dr. Boteach thought she should call in the police and/or FBI. The man has been missing for 14 years.

Personally, I'd go for the comfort.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Dianetics / Scientology - just please please please go away

For years I used to live right around the corner from their main branch in Toronto. Often I would greet the person that was standing outside trying to get new members – but, would continue on my merry way.

A couple of months ago I was at a psychic fair and quite by accident I landed at the Dianetics booth. Call it a weak moment or call it my tired legs – but, I actually sat down for a few moments. They were promoting their “Dianetics – the modern science of mental health” book by L. Ron Hubbard – and spur of the moment I thought, why not buy it and see what this is all about. What happened next still boggles my mind. They asked for my name and address (I can’t recall why they wanted this). Normally I’m on high alert when anyone asks for this. I generally say ‘thanks, but, no thanks”. However – I refer you back to how it was a weak moment for me (or, perhaps in that short time they brainwashed me). Anyhow, I gave them my name and address. I immediately forgot about this entire thing afterwards and have yet to read the book. I assume one day I’ll be inclined to, but, I haven’t thus far.

Well, giving my name and address has come back to haunt me. Every week it seems I’m receiving their literature and sales promotions in the mail. Todays ‘must buy’ is their Self Improvement Package which includes YES, the same book I purchased at the psychic fair. I guess they are thinking I haven’t learned enough from just one copy of the book. The package also includes some CD’s and a home study course.

I tend to think if one has a product that they believe in and feel can help others – others will find it. I find this especially true when it comes to one’s beliefs. Setting up shop in something like a psychic fair is a good idea to get your message out. If people are interested they can drop by and learn more about it. Relentlessly sending them stuff in the mail afterwards is just plain annoying. For the love of God – save some trees and stop sending me this stuff!!

Sunday, December 18, 2005

The countdown is on..

One week before Christmas. For the first time in years I don’t feel the pressure of having too much to do before the big day. Thanks to on-line shopping I was able to get the bulk of my shopping done weeks in advance (I don’t even like to think of the pre-online world). Also, because I go away for Christmas I don’t have to deal with things like baking and planning meals etc. I will keep my fingers crossed that the weather isn’t too bad for the drive.

An annual Christmas tradition I have is to go out to my favourite restaurant with a friend. The restaurant in question is the delightfully charming Le Papillon. It is regularly voted best French restaurant in Toronto, but, to me – it’s just the best restaurant period! The atmosphere, the food, the service – they get everything right! And, for dessert their crepes are to die for. We went last night and it was fab!

This is the time of year where it’s very difficult to stick to a regime. Christmas parties, Christmas lunches, Christmas this Christmas that - everything is about eating & drinking. I generally don’t like having big meals (there are exceptions however, like stated above when dining at my favourite restaurant). I’m more of a muncher through out the day. It’s very hard to do that when you’re dining out. To compound the problem this year – my gym is closed for renovations this coming week. So, lots of Christmas parties and no working out. While I’m kinda annoyed that I can’t go work out I’m also thinking “tis the season”, so enjoy the break. After all, isn’t putting on weight part of the holiday tradition?

Friday, December 16, 2005

the Leaders Debate

I hadn't planned on watching the Leaders Debate this evening... figured I'd wait and read about it on Monday as opposed to ruining my weekend. However, curiosity got the better of me. After watching it I'm really no further ahead.

I typically vote for the candidate in my riding that I feel has the best platform for my neighbourhood and will support my interest. Thus far it has been a liberal. And, I will support him once again – even though I am thinking Ottawa needs a change. However, I still don’t see a viable alternative.

Stephen Harper, the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, last night said in the French debate that he would not use the notwithstanding clause to over turn the same sex marriage issue. He said he will allow a free vote in the House of Commons. Apparently that is not even an option so I don’t think he is being honest with us (not that this is surprising).

When I read their website under Key Issues they state:

Mainstream Canadians – hardworking people who pay their taxes and play by the rules – need a new government that will put their interests ahead of self interest.

I guess I don’t understand this. Are they saying gay people are not Mainstream Canadians? Do gay people not pay taxes and play by the rules? Do gay interests not count? The world as we know it has not fallen apart because gay people are now getting married. Gay people now feel like equal citizens – I’ll never understand why Stephen Harper and his party feel the need to try to take this away.

My latest workout fad

I have finally taken up yoga. In the past I have done tae kwon-do (which I really enjoyed until I broke a woman’s finger during a sparring match - I felt awful as the young lady fought back her tears) and various other sports. My plan was to take up squash this winter but one day about 3 weeks ago I tried out a yoga class and absolutely loved it. For the past year I’ve been having some pretty intense workouts at the gym that just left me drained. I have found with yoga I get the same satisfaction I got out of an intense workout – but, my body actually feels more rejuvenated for days afterwards. The breathing techniques associated with yoga also fit in nicely with my daily meditation routine. I think with any new workout regiment you have to find the right fit – instructor, time, benefit etc. I can’t think of any reason why yoga wouldn’t be a nice fit for anyone’s lifestyle. The key for me will be do I get bored? I find I move from one thing to the next due to boredom. I am hoping this will not be the case this time and will be something that can compliment by other physical activities, like biking & kayaking, for years to come.


Glimpse the Milky Way

How weird....

Apparently i'm 50% weird..

Normal enough to know that you're weird..
But, too damn weird to do anything about it.

Test yourself

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Our first snow storm of the year...

is now descending upon us.

I heard somewhere this could be the worst December storm we've had in a quarter of a century. That remains to be seen.

I love our first storm of the year. Come February I'll just want it all to go away - but, for now as I'm buddled up with a fire going I feel like singing "let it snow let it snow let it snow"

The hazards of email

I received an odd and unexpected email at work today. It was more than obvious the person clicked something incorrectly, or has type-ahead turned on when keying in addresses. The email I received contained the persons resume in it. Now, considering we work for the same company and she is not in my field - and the "Career Objective” didn’t mention anything about a change of career – I know I was not the intended recipient. I also know it wasn’t sent just to me. This was sent to a group of which I happen to be a member. Whether this person had created a group with the same name and put it in her personal address book and assumed she was sending it to them, I don’t know. I suspect that is not the case though – else it would have gone to her local group – that is the way enterprise email systems work.

As for the pros & cons of letting co-workers know you’re job hunting – well, that debate could swing either way.

However, this email carelessness seems to be happening more and more often. I’m not sure if it’s due to people being overly confident that the computer just knows who they mean when they type the first couple of letters into the recipient field, or perhaps it’s a matter of becoming lazy and not double checking. I have to admit half the time I respond to email on auto-pilot. Just hit ‘respond’ or ‘respond to all’. But, when I am sending a highly sensitive email I always double-check the email addresses.


Here is my horoscope for today from three different sources:
from msn
Too many invitations to social events may come to you
today. This might be just the sort of evening when you want to stay at home and
relax. Yet you won't want to say no to anyone. Analyze each invitation as it
comes. Consider the location, the host, the other guests involved - whatever
seems the most significant to you. Attend only the ones that you think you'll
really enjoy. Follow your heart

from The Toronto Star:
Instinct shouts out loudly, but only faint whispers reach us. You have the
ability to tap into this inner source. So when you get a passing whim in a
moment of silence. Follow it.

from yahoo
You're revved up to tackle some work issues that have been on your mind -- or on
your desk -- for quite some time. And, silly as it might sound, your attitude
really does determine your altitude at the moment. Applying your positive force
brings positive results, and quite possibly in a quicker timeframe than you
might expect. One caveat: Double-check your communiques (emails, memos, even
what you say) before you send them.

Three different horoscopes, from three different sources saying, three different things. However, none of them contradict the other. I check my horoscope daily strictly for entertainment purposes. Just recently (yesterday as a matter of fact), I decided to check additional sites to see if they said the same thing or not. So far no contradictions. One day about a year ago I recall my horoscope saying something to the effect of “today is a day you won’t even want to get out of bed”. I wish at the time I was checking other sources to see if this message was consistent. I don’t know why but I feel compelled to track this for a while.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

A book I just finished

Past Lives, Future Lives REVEALED – by Dr. Bruce Goldberg

A revealing look into how hypnosis can reveal past and future lives. Besides his own views he gives case histories from the many life regressions he has conducted. Shows how karma plays a role in both our past and our future.

A great read.

Was there ever any doubt?

Jeff Probst has decided to stay on as host of survivor. Like really - who could give up that job?

Dress for success?

I happened to overhear a conversation yesterday where a woman went to an employment agency for a job. The job in question was actually at a hospital but they had apparently hired this agency to do the screening for them.

At one point during the pre-interview the woman at the employment agency said something to the effect of “I can’t send you to the interview because of the way you’re dressed”. This has left the interviewee more than a little distressed. Her rebuttal was something like “I’ve gotten jobs before wearing this same suit”.

So, I listened while everyone around her was indignant on her behalf and gave advice like writing to her manager etc.

The question is – was the interviewer correct and saying this? Does the way one is dressed have more importance/value than ones’ qualifications? Is it possible that employment agency did a disservice to their client? Does it all depend on the field the person is seeking employment? As someone who works in the computer field – I could actually care less how people are dressed when they come for an interview. First and foremost is their resume and qualifications. But, I do look for a few other characteristics such as:

  1. Timeliness
  2. Look me in the eye when we’re talking.
  3. Be clean. I don’t care what you’re wearing but showering daily is a must.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Yeah, my first posting!

Well here I am… my first attempt at blogging. I’m not sure I have anything of value to add to this web world – but hey, everyone else seems to be doing it – and I just hate the thought of being left out.

This is an awful time of year to start this endeavour, but, figured I’d get my feet wet now and will hopefully concentrate alot more time on it come the new year.