Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Cheaters - take two!

This is my quick take on the three sites listed in the Yahoo! news article I talked about in my previous post.

This review is based on spending about 15 minutes on each site AND without registering. I'm sure there are alot more features if you sign up.


You can do a search on their database without registering. The search can be by city, name or keywords. I’m not sure how extensive their database is, because I did a search on three large cities and didn't get as many hits as I thought I would have. Toronto gave me 6 cheaters, New York gave me 262, and Chicago yielded 15.

I decided to do a ‘keyword’ search (even though I have no idea what keywords I could use). I tried something simple like “fat”. I received 60 results, but, I'm not sure what they are based on. I was expecting something petty like, “he cheated on me with a fat woman”, or, “he thinks he’s so hot, but, he’s fat now”. However, I didn’t see the word fat in the description of the cheaters I randomly checked out. Some of the cheaters listed had negative comments from other women that had dated them as well, but, how do we really know they are legitimate? The comments could just be from friends of the original poster.

They have a blog that I checked out quickly. It looks like a lot of fun - they name the cheater of the day! I plan to visit it again soon.


I couldn’t find an easy way to do a search – unless I had a name. Unfortunately, I’m unfamiliar with cheaters or anyone that would use a site like this. I threw in some random names and it yielded no results.

As the Yahoo! News article suggested, one can ‘rate-a-guy’ and you can do searches in that area, by: name, city, birthdates etc. However, the results seem more like template responses as opposed to free entry. For example, here is a portion of the results for a ‘ratee’ I brought up:


1. The man wants

2. This man wants
A relationship of convenience where he doesn’t have to work at it

3. This man
Wants dependents and/or pets as long as YOU take care of them

4. He has been divorced

5. Regarding marriage/life time commitment, this man
Is ready to fully commit to the right person

There are many articles on how to find out if your significant other is cheating on you. They give high tech advice (computer key logger or voice-activated digital tape recorder) as well as sneaky ways (i.e.. tell him you’re going away for a weekend, then follow him or wait to see if he brings anyone home). They also list signs to look for.

A message board with lots of stories is also available – but, you have to be registered to post.


I couldn’t access this site. It says I’m not authorized to view. That is not the typical message one gets if the site is down, so not sure what is going on.

I have to say, I find this all rather amusing. As far as I know I've never been cheated on, and I myself, have never cheated. I think too many women want each man they meet to be 'the one', so they build the relationship up in their own heads, where the reality doesn't support it. As I said in my previous post, actions speak louder than words. It's easy to say the words "I love you", it's harder to show it.

Anyhow, keep on dumping the dudes and put their pictures up on these sites - I want to see them!


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