Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Tempers Flare - motorist vs cyclist

Wow - just a couple of days ago I was visiting Kensington Market and had a lovely day. Today, I'm reading about this road rage incident in that very neighbourhood just a couple of days prior.

The story apparently goes like this. Motorist (will henceforth be referred to as "the idiot") opens car door and throws food on the ground - littering! The cyclist saw this. She proceeded to pick the food up, open the car door and throw the food back in the car. Ok, that is just too funny! I'm liking this cyclist! Next, the idiot got out of the car and threw coffee at the cyclist. The cyclist apparently keyed his car next - now that is up in the air on whether it was an accident or intentional. The idiot flies off the handle and the pictures tell the rest of the story. It is nice to see how many bystanders jumped in to separate them.

Now, this brings me to something I myself have noticed. The road rage that motorists are exhibiting anymore is getting out of control. I live downtown so 95% of the time I'm either walking or cycling. When I'm a pedestrian I've noticed motorists are much more lenient with me and my jaywalking ways. When I'm biking it's almost like a test of wills. They're honking their horns at me, or giving me the finger, even when I have the right away. The problem is some motorists believe cyclists should be on the sidewalks. They fail to understand that we're not ALLOWED on the sideswalks. We're to use the roads. There are a number of streets where we have our own bike lanes - but, a lot do not so we have to share.

Anyhow, the cyclist was out of line for throwing his garbage back in his car - but, the idiot takes the cake for behaving like a neanderthal.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Yet another smoking update

After my last smoking post, I had an interesting conversation with my girlfriend (that is moving back in with me in a couple of months). She is happy to have quit smoking, but, feels that she is the type of person that could have the odd cigarette now and again and not get hooked. I was kinda rolling my eyes at that (thank goodness she couldn't see me over the phone lines) - then, I came across this article today, on MSN Health & Fitness

This is the paragraph that supports me rolling my eyes:

What advice would you offer?

Don't be too optimistic about what quitting is going to be like; that will make you better prepared. As opposed to mourning a loved one who is gone forever, here the loved one is available at the nearest convenience store. Once a person has a single puff, the odds are 80 to 85 percent they will go back to full-time smoking.

I am hoping this will prove once and for all to my honey - I'm always right :)

Tired of Jen stories

Yet another Jennifer Aniston story. I have to say that I don't know a single person (or, one that will admit it anyways), that buys these rag magazines. Granted, I guess People magazine may be a step up from The Enquirer, or The Star, but, it's a small step. All these quotes from "close pals" and "undisclosed sources". Why do I think most of these "close pals", are actually the sister of the hairdressers' boyfriend? Or, the 2nd cousin of the best friend of the gardener. Now, I realize that some breaking stories have been the result of anonymous tips - but, at least they were interesting and had some confirmation. These rags pass of speculation and rumours. Who cares if Jen is upset about Brad becoming a father? She is human - most women would have a problem with that, especially with it happening so soon after their split. Once again, who buys these rags to keep them in business?

Saturday, January 28, 2006

World Poker Tour - Ladies Night II

I have become quite a fan of poker lately. I've always enjoyed gambling, and have gone to Vegas a couple of times. But, for the past few years I haven't really thought of it. But, lately I have been watching the matches on TV, and even signed up on the WPonline.net site and play online.

Tonight I am watching the ladies battle it out - Clonie Gowan (the returning champ), Isabelle Mercier, Cyndy Violette, Wendeen Eolis, Sharon Goldman & Lavinna Zhang.

Lavinna Zhang, has only been playing for 6 months, yet she beat out over 300 players to make it to the finals here. Mind you, her husband is a professional poker player, so I guess she's probably received lots of tips. She certainly seems to have great instincts! She got lucky a few times this evening as well - but, that is poker.

There is half an hour left but, I think the French Canadian, Isabelle Mercier is going to win. She's very crafty. Flops a flush and keeps checking till the river card is shown, which just happens to be a King. The player she is up against has a King. Oh, she sucked her in good - and it paid off.

As I continue watching this (4 players are out now), it's heads up between Isabelle & Lavinna - I'm more and more impressed with Isabelle. She is sooooo smooth and sizes up her challengers so well without giving anything about her own hand away.

Final hand - Isabelle has Queen Eight and calls all in (she is the dominate chip leader). Poor Lavinna catches Queen Seven. She thinks about it for a bit and calls. Ouch! During the flop an Eight appears and it's buh bye Lavinna. But hey, 2nd place is pretty good for a new comer.

Was a great game.

A day spent in Kensington Market

A small gem in the city of Toronto is an area called Kensington Market. This eclectic little neighbourhood was the perfect place to spend the day in, which was unseasonably warm. The beauty of this place is that it's still 'untouched' by the modern chains. If you're looking for a Tim Hortons or Starbucks, this is not the place for you. It's filled with little shops, cafes, produce stands - and is well known for its vintage clothing. I read in a magazine that one of the cafes here actually sells marijuana. This was for use inside the cafe only (or on their back patio) - no takeout! Carrying small quantities of marijuana is legal here (i have no idea how much since I'm not a druggy). I was sniffing around though - was just curious which place it was. Who knows though, it was a few years ago I read about it, perhaps they no longer are selling it.

As you can see the streets are not very wide - it's very european looking. As someone that is generally surrounded by tall buildings it's nice to visit an old fashioned neighbourhood.

Oh, and the people here are too polite, they were stopping as I was taking my pictures rather than ruining my shot! They really didn't have to - I don't mind a head shot now and again. Guess people are worried about being posted on a blog. Blog-shy?

an update on my smoking

My attempt to quit smoking was an utter and total failure. As a matter of fact - i even forgot I was attempting it. So, i quit quitting. Now I can say "i'm no quitter".

Unfortunately, giving up is not an option. My partner is going to be moving back in with me in a couple of months - and she quit years ago. The last thing I want is for her to start again - two smokers puff each other on. So, it's best for me to quit before she moves in. Plus, let's face it - it's too difficult in the city to smoke anyways. It really is a social taboo now, and I'm not one of those people that walk on the street smoking. There is nothing I hate more than having someone's smoke blow in my face as I'm out for a walk. Not to mention all the smoke breaks smokers take during the day at the office - and they stink when they return. That has been a rule of mine for years - no smoke breaks at work. Funny, I never have cravings while at work. If only, i didn't have cravings at home. I think it comes down to routine. For some reason when I'm working on my computer at home - I smoke. I'm going to move my computer to a different area in my home and see if that changes things (it's a laptop, so not as if its a big deal). Maybe only surf from my bedroom - I have a rule - no smoking in the bedroom! Oh, maybe I'll start buying menthol cigarettes - they are disgusting. I should be able to quit if I switch to those.

Ok, I've convinced myself now - i'm going to attempt to quit smoking again! Good luck to self.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Oprah flip-flops on defense of author

Oprah reversed her defense of "A Million Little Pieces" today on her talk show and said 'she felt duped'.

She also apologized for the Larry King phone call. Only a couple of weeks ago she called into the Larry King show and adamantly defended the author and the book. I have to say, I was disappointed that Oprah felt that way - but, her opinion.

However, I'm much more disappointed in Oprah now! Come on!! Why the change? Could it be because this is the first time in her career that her view point is being questioned? Apparently, even fans on her website wrote in to tell her they didn't agree with what he did. Is she suffering from some sort of backlash now? Perhaps, she's worried about some in the future.

It's one thing to write that novel - it's another to pass it off as your own experience as a catalyst to try and help others.

Either way - I wish Oprah had taken this stance at the beginning - or stayed true to her defense of him.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Hatch wins the most stupid award

Richard Hatch, the original Survivor, was found guilty today of failing to pay his taxes (as per CNN)

*shakes head*, how did Hatch think he'd get away with this? Season one of Survivor was a huge hit and everyone and their dog was talking about the naked gay guy that won it. Silly silly man.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Take two!

I just caught the last half hour of “Fight for Fame”, a reality based show on the E! Network. This show pits 5 potential actors against each other – the winner signs a contract with the agents judging the competition.

I caught it at the point where 3 actors were left and the agents were about to eliminate one of them based on the prior challenges. They eliminated Jackie Maddison. Her parting comment was “When the agents eliminated me – they lost the best thing they never had.” Ouch – what a way to be remembered. Might have been her nerves, or, perhaps this is the reason she chose to be an actor, someone else gets to write her lines. I bet she's wishing she had another 'take' on that one.

Brangelina, Tomkat, Bennifer - enough!

Am I the only one getting sick and tired of the media combining the names of famous couples? Bennifer, Brangelina, Tomkat, Vaughiston – oy!! Is it really that difficult to say both names? Especially with the first example – saying Ben & Jen is actually less letters than Bennifer (I wonder why that name dropped when Ben hooked up with Jennifer #2).

I guess to get the coupled moniker both parties have to be considered megastars. Look at Britney Spears & Kevin Federline. I don’t believe I’ve ever seen a BritKev or Kevitney. I guess he doesn’t cut it (which does make sense – I’d never heard of him prior to his hooking up with Britney)

Did I mention I don’t like this new moniker phenomenon? Our only saving grace appears to be that, only new relationships are subjected to it. Partnerships created prior to Bennifer seem to be off the hook. Thank God! Can you imagine reading an article about past screen legends and having today’s media brand them. For example - what would they have named Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn? SpenKat?

Friday, January 20, 2006

Has Harper moved left?

David Crane asks this today. I think he pretty much summarizes what alot of us have been thinking - Stephen Harper is just mullifying us until he gets elected. He knows if he comes right out and states his agenda he is doomed. But, he has judged the mood of the country. A mood where we are sick and tired of hearing about the corruption coming from the Liberals.

But, are we really ready for this:

The single most damaging promise he has made is to replace Canada's initiative on early childhood development and replace it with a family allowance of $100 a month for every child under 6. Harper's plan is based on the idea that women should stay at home and not work, since they are the main beneficiaries of his proposal, while early childhood development is about ensuring youngsters are ready to learn when they enter the school system

Are we ready for a party that is proud to count Rob Anders as a member? Anders is the Conservative MP for Alberta, and the one that called Nelson Mandela a former communist & a terrorist.

Make no mistake about it - Stephen Harper does have an agenda. He is far too extreme for my liking and I would like to think for most of the mainstream. We only have one way to show him! Don't vote Conservative!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

How responsible are hosts' for their guests?

The Supreme Court of Canada has to determine if party hosts are liable for allowing a drunken guest to drive home, as reported by the Toronto Star.

Apparently the guest in question, Desmond Desormeaux (who will henceforth be referred to as 'the drunk' in this posting) was in no shape to drive - but, as is known to happen with drunks - they think they are fine. Is it the responsibility of the host to take the keys away from their guests? Or, forcibly not allow them to leave. Or, force them into a cab?

This case has already been ruled on twice. The first time the judge ruled the hosts were responsible. The Ontario Court of Appeals said the hosts were not responsible because they didn't actually serve the drunk the drinks. It was a BYOB and the hosts' didn't realize how much the guest had to drink.

I don't believe the hosts should be responsible. Where would you draw the line? Let's say I have a cocktail party and invite 6 good friends. Those 6 good friends each bring a guest. One of these guests is drunk and wants to leave. I try to stop him/her from leaving because they've had too much to drink. I offer to make coffee. They refuse. Did I mention he or she may be over 200lbs and i'm less than 130lbs. How can I stop him from leaving? I even offer to call a cab - they refuse. In that situation would I be responsible? Let's say in a different scenario I'm the DD for myself and a friend that go to a party. The friend gets drunk. It's late I want to go home so I say to drunk "drunk, it's time to leave. Let's go, I'll drop you off at home". The drunk wants to stay and party. I tell drunk to get a ride with someone else or sleep it off there. Later drunk borrows a car from someone else and gets in an accident. If the Supreme Court of Canada rules that hosts' are indeed responsible for their guests actions after they leave a party - could one reasonably hold me to blame because I was to get drunk home originally?

There was a case here in Canada a couple of years ago. A woman went to her company Christmas party. The company offered free cab rides to all their staff so no one would drink and drive. Her superior offered her a ride home - she declined. She drove, was in an accident and sued her company. The court ruled her company was partially responsible.

For anyone that has had to deal with a drunk in the past - I think we can all agree that there is no reasoning with them. As much as I sympathize with the innocent 3rd party in the above Toronto Star case I don't see how hosts' can be held responsbile. Where would it end? People need to start acting responsibility - and we need tougher drinking and driving laws! In the above case the drunk killed an innocent person! He ruined the life of a 2nd innocent party who is now a paraplegic. Throw him in jail for a minimum of 10 years. I'm sick to death of our court system allowing these people off with light sentences. Let's stop passing the blame to other people. I for one would never get behind the wheel of a vehicle after drinking. I have no sympathy at all for anyone that would! Throw the book at them.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Is America ready for a large Idol?

I'm not a big follower of this show - but, i do follow the news clips. I missed the entire first season, but have caught the last couple episodes of the past 3 seasons. Actually, I think it was last year I watched the first couple of episodes as well and saw some of the auditions (including William Hung - or was that two seasons ago?). So, have decided to watch the auditions this season - let's face it - it may be the only time I get to hear anyone with a worst voice than my own.

As the show started and they were showing clips of the contestants waiting in line for DAYS just to get an audition and most were saying "i've been wanting this since I was 14....or 16... or forever", it made me think - can a large woman become an American Idol thru this show?

If you look at the past few seasons of the show:

Season 1: Kelly Clarkson won – very cute and someone that the producers could work with to get the look (and as shown from this pic - they were right)

Season 2: Ruben Studdard – large, but very soulful and personality plus

Season 3: Fantasia Barrino – just striking and has the look.

Season 4: Carrie Underwood – the girl next door that could be the next Faith Hill (except, Faith Hill hasn’t gone anywhere)

So, we have 3 women and 1 man. All the women were very pretty and had the right body type image. Then there is Ruben who is very large, but had a soulfulness about him. His voice, his body, his demeanor demanded respect. And respect he was given. H
owever, Clay Aiken was runner up to Ruben and whom do you hear more about? Saying that, I do think Clay is more known due to his musical choices, but boy, America loved him too!

Now, getting back to my original thought. Is America ready for a large woman to be an idol? Obviously, being large isn't a problem - Ruben won. But, is that in the same vein that men in their 50's & 60's are distinguished, therefore, get leading roles in movies where their love interest is less than half their age? How often are women in their 50's & 60's the lead in a movie? It has happened, but, percentage wise i'd say less than 10%.

Will be interesting to see if this season picks the same ole same ole - or something unique.

Monday, January 16, 2006

The do's and don'ts of voice mail

I've always had a little bit of a pet peeve with the way some people leave vm's at the office. My biggest pet peeve is when they race thru their phone number as if there is a fire in the building and they have to evacuate. This leaves me to listen to the message over again and sometimes listen a 3rd time. To be honest if this is not a person I really have to talk to - i won't bother. They can call me back. Then there are the people that don't leave a number at all. If it's not a personal message - leave a number, i'm not a rolodex. Then there are the people that compose their thoughts while they're leaving the message - please, no hmm'ing & haa'ing on my vm. My record message is very clear - leave your name your number and a BRIEF message. Should be under one minute - 15 seconds is preferable.

So to summarize:

Do: Leave a phone number.
Don't: Assume I know it.

Do: Leave a phone number slowly - taking a pause between area code and first 3 digits. Another pause before leaving the last 4 digits.
Don't: Make a race out of leaving your phone number. There are no prizes awarded for the fastest time here.

Do: Leave a brief reason for the call. For example: I'm looking for the report on XYZ. Or, I need some quick changes on ABC (I'll send an email with the details)
Don't: Act confused that you got my vm. This is 2006 after all.

Do: Allow me sufficient time to return the call - if a return call is necessary.
Don't: Call me repeatedly - i'm not here to serve you. Well, if you're my boss or another executive at the company - I won't complain (except here on my blog).

Do: Speak clearly and concisely and talk into the mouth piece.
Don't: Put me on hold while you're leaving the message.

Do: Leave a message.
Don't: Just keep calling until I pick up - often times I screen my calls.

That is it for the moment - I'm sure there is more I can add, but, I'm going to go make dinner instead.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Is fat the new fad?

According to msnbc.com Americans are more accepting of heavier bodies. I would tend to think Canadians feel the same way.

The article goes on to say with about two-thirds of U.S. adults overweight, they seem more accepting of heavier body types.

This sounds like the argument "if you can't beat em, join em".

Lara Frater, the author of "Fat Chicks Rule" - turns up her nose at trendy diets.

Ok, first off - isn't that some sort of reverse discrimination? If someone had written a book "Slim Chicks Rule" overweight people would be up in arms and calling for their head. I haven't read the book but, I hope it has something more substantial then the usual argument "i eat what I want and enjoy life - skinny chicks deprive themselves" blah blah blah.

Living a healthy lifestyle is not depriving at all. It does however take some discipline. Stuffing yourself to the point of having to undo your pants after a meal is just wrong! I think we all crave what we become used to. Choosing a salad over french fries will eventually become the norm if you adjust your way of thinking. Plus, I've yet to hear someone say "oh, i feel awful after eating that", when they've just digested healthy food. That phrase is normally accompanied after eating fast food or any food high in fat.

It takes years to put extra weight on - and likewise will take years to take it off. I think people give up too quickly because it's not an overnight process. But, just accepting that overweight is IN, and kidding themselves that they are indeed "healthy" will do nothing to start fighting this epidemic which costs our health care system billions of dollars a year.

And for the people who think they are happy being overweight - what is the first thought that comes to mind when you try to put on a favourite pair of pants and realize they no longer fit? Saying it's so - doesn't make it so!

Just some food for thought.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Do we have only one political party in Toronto?

Where are the Liberals or the NDP or the Green Party for that matter? I live downtown in the heart of the city and I've had the Conservative Party call me to inquire about my vote - giving me an opportunity to ask any questions, and just now I had 3 of them at my door with pamphlet for the gent running in this riding. Once again I could ask questions, however, I was in my jammies and didn't feel like that was the time. Where are the other parties? I remember years ago seeing Bill Graham around during election time - heck, even through out the year I'd see him at different community events. If I hadn't received his pamphlet in the mail I wouldn't even know he was still running in this area.

The Conservative candidate's platform is entirely the Liberal corruption. His other points were very weak especially the GST cut. The most important thing he missed is - what are you doing for MY community? At least Bill Graham's pamphlet had alot of info on his past accomplishments here and his future plans. Lewis Reford has none!

Just over a week before the next election and a new direction for our country. Liberals - come out of hiding!

Friday, January 13, 2006

Gyms and resolutions

As expected these past two weeks have been rather busy at my gym.... all those people that made a New Years resolution to get fit are out in full force. The classes are larger - the change room is a disaster area and far too crowded. I figure within two weeks things should be back to normal. However, i almost cancelled my membership today. I take yoga 3 days a week. Because it's a popular class you have to sign up for it. Sign up starts at 10am percisely. I went on-line but got distracted and didn't get signing up till 10:15. Class was full so i clicked the 'wait list' me option. They allow 4 stragglers into the class. I show up for class just to find the 'waitlist' online doesn't count as a straggler and 4 people had beat me there? Sheesh - I can't stand people who go to the gym in January! I could have stayed and worked out - but, i chose not to. Was looking forward to my yoga but i was robbed of it by those RESOLUTIONERS!

Yikes - how did we get to this point?

It looks more and more like we're heading towards a Conservative minority government. There is speculation about a possible 'majority' government, but I don't think they'll swing that. As much as everyone is disillusioned with the Liberal party at the moment - with one scandal after another - Stephen Harper is just very hard to warm up to. Plus, this guy is actually from the Canadian Alliance party that merged with the Conservative party. The Canadian Alliance being spawned from the Reform party. He is as extreme right as one can get and I don't believe most Canadians are ok with that.

The liberals now are saying that a Conservative Government will import the U.S. right wing sect. Seeing as how Stephen Harper is their leader - this isn't a big stretch. He's already announced that the SSM issue will be brought up again in a parliamentary vote. If it passes so what? He can't strike it down unless he uses the not-withstanding clause. Even though he has said he WON'T use that - he will. His justification for using it will be 'I was elected by the majority of Canadians and they don't want same sex marriage'. However, what the megalomaniac doesn't realize is that he is ONLY getting voted in because we Canadians are sick of the corruption that the Liberals have been responsible for.

And here we go again with the missile defense. As much as I'm appalled by the corruption of the Liberals - let's face it, they have balanced the budget for the last 8.. 9 years. We have been running a surplus. The money is not there for the Conversative plan and I'm always leery when a politician comes in promising tax cuts - specifically Stephen Harper's plan to cut the GST to 5%, and yet, talks about revisiting issues such as the missile defense and spend spend spend. Oy, i hope something happens in this last week to change the mood of the country.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Get your tickets now

Tired of this earth and want to start fresh? Well, look no further - Canada is on the hunt for the new earth

I wonder if it filled with our doppelgangers - if they find it that is.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The People's Choice Awards

I guess I don’t watch enough TV because half the people presenting awards I didn’t know.

Craig Ferguson is the host – had never heard of him. He was mildly entertaining. He made a joke about CBS that made very little sense though. Basically saying the reason people don’t know of him is because he’s on CBS. Years ago David Letterman used to make the same kind of jokes, but that was when CBS was at the bottom of the ratings pool – so it was amusing. Now that CBS is winning the ratings war between the big 4 networks Craig’s joke fell flat.

Favourite Leading Lady
This was the first award of the evening and was presented by the host Craig Ferguson.

Reese Witherspoon won- she is just too cute & perky. Plus, kept her speech nice and short. Have to like that.

Favourite Male TV Star
Jenna Elfman presented – wow, holy makeover for her.

Ray Romano won – big surprise. I’m so tired of this guy and I didn’t think he’d ever get off the stage.

Who should have won? Didn’t like the other two runner-ups. Keifer Sutherland & Charlie Sheen so don’t really care.

Favourite Daytime Talk Show Host
Jason Lee and Ethan Suplee (from My Name is Earl) – presented.

Ellen won!! – woohoooooo. She also won for Favourite Funny Female Star. She was shooting a video as she accepted the award and I think she plans to show it on her show tomorrow.

Favourite Reality Competition
David ?? and Nicolette Sheridan presented. (didn’t catch his last name)

American Idol won. Randy Jackson accepted the award. He kept his speech nice and short too.

Favourite Male Action Star
Matthew McConaughey won. There is something about this guy I just don’t care for. He comes across as such an idiot most times. This evening he basically gave everyone a pep talk. He shouldn’t be allowed to talk in public.

Who should have won? Brad Pitt

Favourite Male Movie Star
Eva Mendes presented.

Johnny Depp won. He was sedate as usual but did make a couple of humorous attempts – I believe I saw a smirk as well.

Favourite Female Singer
Kelly Clarkson won. Ok, I like Kelly’s music – but, beating out Gwen Stefani? Something isn’t right about that. “Peace out ya’ll” was her sign off before she left the stage.

Who should have won? Gwen Stefani

Favourite Movie
Harrison Ford presented. Ohhh, he has to lose the goatee.

Stars Wars: Episode III – no big surprise there. It also won for Favourite Drama. George Lucas accepted the award. He basically just said how he makes his movies for the people – well, hellooooo of course he does. They buy the tickets.

Favourite Group
Doris Roberts presented.

Green Day won. They said they represent the underdog – hmmm.

Favourite Female TV Star
Dominic Monahan from Lost presented.

Jennifer Garner won. She also won for Female Action Star. She basically just said ‘thank you’.

Who should have won?

Female TV Star – Teri Hatcher

Female Action Star – Angelina Jolie

Favourite Movie Comedy
Jessica Simpson presented.

Wedding Crashers won. Oh good gawd – Owen Wilson is accepting. This guy’s voice puts me to sleep. He also won for Favourite On-Screen Match-up along with Vince Vaughn

Who should have won?

Favourite Movie – Hitch

Favourite Match-up – Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie

Favourite New TV Drama
Marg Helgenberger & Gary Dourdan presented

Prison Break won – yay! Actually, it’s the only one of the three in the running that I have watched. They took a big break before Christmas though (without having escaped), so not sure I’ll continue watching it when it finally returns. Yes, I’m fickle.

Favourite TV Comedy
The cast from How I Met Your Mother presented

Everybody Loves Raymond won – oy! Talk about a show that was way past its prime but went on and on and on – and is now still winning. Ray and Brad Garrett did a little skit on stage. Just go away already!

Favourite Female Movie Star
George Lopez presented. Said he wanted to apologize for Nick Lachey not being invited but they had enough seat fillers – ouch! Of course they panned right to Jessica Simpson. Ok, this guy just isn’t funny. Lame gay joke about Owen Wilson. Then announcing the category says “oh, is Jennifer Aniston here’… the crowd started to lightly boo which stopped him.

Sandra Bullock won. She apologized for George Lopez saying it was his medication. I agree – he’s on something! She was very gracious in her acceptance.

Favourite New TV Comedy
Kelsey Grammer presented. He said he had no idea George Lopez was that funny. I think he was being facetious but not sure.

My Name is Earl won. I haven’t seen any of the shows nominated so don’t care. Wish Jason Lee would get rid of that ridiculous mustache tho. What is it with men and facial hair? Ok ok, I know it’s for the role he’s playing.

The have to raise the mic. Poor Jason was bent over probably two feet trying to speak into it. When Brad Garrett was on the stage it was directly in front of his stomach.

Favourite Song from a Movie
Tyra Banks presented.

These boots are made for walking - Jessica Simpson

“Oh gosh I never win anything. This is so cool”. I think you can see the way the rest of the speech goes.

Favourite TV Drama
Donald Sutherland presented.

CSI won – yay!!!! For some reason Desperate Housewives was also in this category – how odd. The entire cast and crew went up to the stage to accept. Gil Grissom (can’t for the life of me think of his name at the moment) did the talking. The damn producers kept trying to cut him off by playing the music. Gave the usual thank you speech tho.

These also won but were not televised:

Favourite Leading Man – Brad Pitt
Favourite Music Tour – U2
Favourite Nighttime Talk Show – Jay Leno
Favourite Movie Drama – Star Wars: Episode III
Favourite Reality Show – Extreme Home Makeover

.. I’m sure there was more but they were so quick I didn’t catch them all.

So after watching this show it would appear I haven’t missed much this past year in TV or movies. Actually, it reminded me of why I never watch these award shows.

The weather outside is delightful...

Am I still in Canada? Our 14 day forecast only has one day where the temperature is going to drop below 0. As someone that was born and raised here - i've never adapted to the winters - so I'm in absolute heaven. If this is what global warming is bringing - well, as they say - every cloud has a silver lining. Guess i won't have to pack up and move down south after all.

8 years ago we had our worse Ice Storm ever (well, it was labeled "Ice Storm of the Century"). Luckily, besides lots of snow Toronto wasn't hit too badily by it. As I've been browsing around today it looks like Toronto has avoided most of the severe weather issues in Canada.

Some Canadian trivia:

Winter Records
Canada is a land of extremes! Here are some mind-boggling weather records!

Victoria, British Columbia, is the Canadian city with the lowest average annual snowfall.

Snag, Yukon holds the record of lowest recorded temperature: on February 3, 1947, it was a bone-chilling -63 degrees Celsius!

Yellowknife, Northwest Territories is the city with the coldest winters: the average nighttime temperature in December, January and February is 29.9 degrees Celsius.

Vancouver, British Columbia experiences the fewest days a year below freezing.

Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador is the snowiest city in the country with an average annual snowfall of 422 centimetres.

I'm pretty sure they meant to say Yellowknife, NWT is minus 29.9 degrees.
Now, if we could just bring the sun out a little bit more (not complaining tho).

Thursday, January 05, 2006

A short story on Jim

Jim is a homeless guy that sets up shop on the corner just north of where I live. I walk by him often on my way to work and on my way home from work. I generally give him a couple of dollars each time I pass. Some times his girlfriend is with him - sometimes she is there instead of him. Over the years our casual greeting has grown into short chats. He excitedly tells me good things that is happening in his life. A couple of months ago him and his g/f finally were given a subsidized apartment in the north end of the city. And, even more exciting he got a job as a dishwasher at a local restaurant. The job was only one day a week, but, that could turn into longer term employment. He stopped drugs and life was looking good for him.

Tonight I saw him for the first time in weeks on the ole street corner. As I stopped and gave him change, he reported bad news for the first time. A rumour was going around that his g/f wasn't actually living with him. They only receive their welfare cheques if they have a valid address. Two days after Christmas the welfare staff showed up at his door to confirm whether the g/f was living there or not. She was there but they determined she isn't living there (i'm not sure how they arrived at this decision). So, in the spirit of Christmas they held back her cheque. So now Jim has to make rent all on his own - hence why he is back on the street corner. I have to say he is still very optimistic tho and promised me he is still off of drugs. His view is "besides the additional rent I only need money for a couple of beers & food". I like that attitude.

I think the city should only hire people that used to be homeless to work in the welfare office. They might not be so quick to judge who is deserving and who is not.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

What a boost to the ego

I’m wandering around the underground shopping area here in the financial district of Toronto. I walk by this gentleman and for some reason he did catch my eye. Probably because there were so few people there at the time. Anyhow I continue walking. About half a minute later or so I hear this ‘excuse me, excuse me miss’. So I stopped and turned around and it’s said gentleman. He says “I’ve seen you around here, since I work in the area – would you care to have dinner sometime, or drinks? I could give you my business card”. Now, this is a nice looking man, well dressed, well quaffed – probably an ideal date. Unfortunately, I had to say “sorry I can’t”. I think if I wasn’t so flabbergasted I would have phrased it a little more kindly than that and at least thanked him for the invite, but I was shocked. I have to give him credit for having the kahoonahs to approach a complete stranger and ask them out. My paranoid self is saying “what a nutcase for stopping a complete stranger and asking her out”.
Now, to get to the moral of the story. Just prior to this encounter I was thinking to self ‘self, you’re not having a very good hair day. Perhaps it’s time for a cut, or different colour… different style’. Heh, not now!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Day two of non-smoking

I almost successfully made it through one entire day of non-smoking. Got caught up on the phone last night and things got a tad stressful for a bit and I broke down and lit up a smoke. Only had two drags from it and put it out. So, I'm still going to call myself a non-smoker for now. A non-smoker with smoking tendencies is who I am.
So far no desires for a smoke today. However, my two biggest challenges lay ahead. The two situations in which I most desire a cigarette is when I am having a drink or when I'm working on the computer in the evenings. I realize now these are nothing but associations - but, they will be tough to break. Especially when sipping on my red wine and my other hand will now be free. A logical person might advise me to stay away from my red wine until I have this under control. That sounds like a punishment to me.

Monday, January 02, 2006


I always start my resolutions (if I have any) on the 2nd as opposed to the 1st. I feel the 1st is a holiday so one shouldn't be giving up anything.

My resolution this year is to finally quit smoking. It's really not worth it anymore. Expensive - stinky. There are fewer and fewer places around here one can smoke. Too damn cold to be going outside.

So day one of not smoking!